Thursday, March 26, 2009

'09 Graduates [3/27/09]

Woo! Graduation's tomorrow! I'm so excited! :x My life in grade school seems to fly by so fast...There are so many memories I can never forget. :P The laughs we shared, the tears we shed and even the fights we had. All these have gone by and I've only noticed this now... ; _ ;

I'll be missing a lot of my friends who would be moving to other schools next year...[I'll be really sad when they really do...] ): I honestly do not want them to go but I know that can't be helped. TT_TT I hope to meet them again someday. :) Somehow, I don't even know when to be happy or sad anymore! ; _ ;

{[oh god, Marielle! Stop being an idiot! Gah! Pull yourself together, you annoying crybaby!]}

[(B-b-but...I won't see them anymore! -cries-)]

{[Well, there's nothing we can do about that! -rolls eyes-]}

Whoops, got emotional there. O.O But I'm not that sad! We're going to High School! There's nothing scary about that!




Picture is credited to Chihzai :)

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